Friday, 30 November 2012

How to lead a healthy lifestyle


10 Tips To Help You Lead A Healthy Lifestyle

Author: Cinergy Health & Life
In today's world, it seems we are all so busy, and it can sometimes be hard to find the time and energy to keep on track with a healthy lifestyle. However, healthy living doesn't need to be a chore.
Follow these 10 simple tips and you will be on your way to feeling great inside and out.

1. Learn some quick cooks: Ready meals and processed foods can be amongst the most harmful things to our health. Many people who eat them say they do so only for the sake of time and convenience, but cooking a healthy meal needn't mean slaving over a hot stove all day. You will find many meals which will take less than 30 minutes to prepare and cook in a "quick dinners" cookery book. Alternatively, you could look online.

healthy-exercise2. Step out: Studies suggest that just 30 minutes of exercise, 5 days a week should be sufficient to keep you healthy. If you're not one for sports or the gym, why not simply walk to work, the shops or to pick up the kids from school, rather than taking the car?
3. An apple a day: A recent European study by EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) found that by eating just one additional portion or fruit or vegetables per day you could reduce your risk of dying prematurely from any disease by 20 percent.

4. Get away from the big smoke: Everybody knows how bad smoking is for your health, being a leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease just for starters. Many people, however, carry on regardless. If you are a smoker, the best way you can improve your health is to quit smoking. This is definitely easier said than done, so if you need help you should speak to a doctor or pharmacist.
5. Shake salt from your diet: By following tip number one and cooking your own food, you will get a much better handle on how much salt you're getting in your diet. However, it is unlikely that you are going to be making all of your food from scratch and even staples such as bread and cereals are going to contain salt. High levels of salt have been linked to high blood pressure, which can go on to lead to heart disease and strokes, so we should be eating no more than 6g of salt per day.

6. Don't sweat the small stuff: Too much stress has been shown to cause stomach ulcers, weight gain, high blood pressure and even ailments as serious as heart disease. If you find that you often get stressed, you might try combating it with exercise (yoga being one of the most popular stress relieving exercises), meditation or even massages and spa treatments.
7. Cut back on caffeine: Commonly found in tea and coffee, but also in some soft drinks and even in chocolate, caffeine can lead to anxiety, headaches and insomnia. If you find it hard to leave the tea and coffee alone, decaffeinated versions are readily available these days. If you still can't live without your caffeine boost, try restricting it to the mornings to avoid losing sleep!
8. Drink more water: The average person should be drinking around 2 litres of water a day. This may seem like a large amount but it will help to remove any toxins from your system and it may also reduce bloating as your body will retain water to store for use later if it is not getting enough.
9. Drink less alcohol: There has been extensive research on the effects of alcohol on the human body which have proven its damaging properties, especially to the liver. In addition to the health risks it causes aging of the skin and is nobody's friend the morning after a night out! It has been recommended that women drink no more than 2-3 units of alcohol per day and men drink no more than 3-4 units. 1 unit equates to around half a pint of 4% beer or 1 measure of a 40% spirit. A large (175ml) glass of wine is around 2 units.
10. Everything in moderation: Pay heed to the above advice, but don't let it cause you to worry or to lead a joyless life. Sometimes it is good for your mental wellbeing to veg out on the sofa watching a film with friends or loved ones rather than going for a walk. Reaching for that piece of cake once in a while is not going to kill you. Just keep a healthy balance and remember to live your life!
With just a little effort, you can start you own healthy living regime today!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

How to eat healthier Part 2


Author: Kurt W.Abel
As you read in the first part of this article, some new program will be out there contending that their "cutting-edge" way of eating will help you to lose weight now. Here are the last 2 easy to follow hints that will help you to eat healthier and get slimmer in a way that you can stick with for life.

Eat Healthier Step #4 - Don't Be Late for Dinner

Or any meal really. It takes time for your food to digest and your body needs time to burn calories before you retire for the night. Choose a time several hours before you go to bed and don't eat afterward. I don't snack later than 8:00 and this gives my body a good 3 hours to digest and burn calories before I go to bed. It can take some forethought to schedule your day beforehand to allow you time to eat dinner early enough, but it will soon be a habit.

Eat Healthier Step #5 - Just Like Mom Used to Make

Now, I fully admit that I have absolutely no scientific proof that this is true. This is my wife's argument, and the more I think about it, and the further I research, the more I think she might be right. Her hypothesis goes that your body gets used to the way you ate growing up, and learns to process those kinds of foods better than others. If you ate rice everyday (like she did) growing up, your body is not going to know what to do with a low/no carb diet. People who were raised in other cultures often become sick or have a "heavy" feeling when eating western food, even if it seems well balanced. I am by no means telling you to continue to eat junk if that is all you ate as a child, but be think about the healthier foods you ate in abundance and don't elimintate them from your diet.

Between part one and part two, there are five basic to follow steps. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight in the process, these steps are a great place to start. But keep learning, and don't give up! The important thing to remember is that you can do it. It will be hard at times, and it won't always be fun, but believe me it is worth it. I feel better than I have in years, and my wife tells me I look great!

How to eat healthier Part 1


Author: Kurt W.Abel
There are a vast amount of new diets out there insisting that their "fresh" way to eat will help you to lose weight quickly. But when I read about how they challenge people to eat, I wince. Whether it is no carbs or staying in the zone - they vary from taking all of the joy out of eating to unhealthy. Stay away from the fad weight-reduction plans and start to eat healthier, and not only will you start to lose weight, you will get sick less often and have more drive additionally. Most people that I am familiar with that have lost weight with a fad diet were hungry all the time while they were doing the diet. They were losing weight, but the fact that they were always feeling terrible makes it nearly certain that people will not stick to these diets for any length of time, leading to the yo-yo. Here are 5 easy to follow hints that will lead you to eat healthier and get slimmer in a way that you can stick with for life.

Eat Healthier Tip #1 - Eat Your Veggies First

This is something that my grandma used to tell me to do so that I could get the "yucky" veggies out of the way and finish dinner with a good taste in my mouth. There are two reasons that this is important. First, a very practical reason. In case you are full before you are done with your meal, better to have already had the nutrient rich vegetables and fruits than anything else. And second, the sugars that are in fruits and vegetables break down in digestion much faster than other foods. It is preferable to eat the fruits and veggies first so they are able to make it through your digestive system unobstructed. If you eat the fruits and veggies later in a meal, they can get caught behind slower digesting foods and cause more gas and stomach discomfort.

Eat Healthier Tip #2. Process? We Don't Need No Stinking Process!

Avoid processed foods! Your body is unable to make sense of processed food. It typically leeches the fiber, vitamins and enzymes naturally occurring in the ingredients and to make it appear healthy they "enrich" the item with synthetic or animal derived vitamins that aren't nearly as good for your body as the originals. This one can be difficult to stick to as almost everything in the supermarket contains processed food. But remember, nothing good can come from eating processed foods. read the label and if there is anything that a third grader cannot pronounce, it is probably better to stay away from it!

Eat Healthier Step #3 - Match, Don't Clash

I can still hear my mom telling me, "Go in and change your clothes - those don't match" As a boy I did not know that some clothes looked better together. I picked a shirt I liked, some shorts I liked, and flips I liked and I wore them proudly. Strangely, food works in much the same way. There are certain foods that "match" better with others. If you are going to eat a food that has sugar, make sure it's balanced with fiber to help from spiking your blood sugar and to aide in digestion. Your body needs Vitamin D and "good" fats to make sense of, or unlock the true goodness of several types of vegetables. Often, if you're going to eat carbs, balance them with protein to make feeling full last longer.

These are 3 easy to follow steps (and 3 more will come in the next section) to help you to kick off a habit of eating well. Eat like this, you will see in increase in your energy level and a decrease in your weight. And, while the weight loss will not be as rapid as some of the fad diets, it will come and you will be able to keep it off for good. If you would like some more tips to help you to eat healthier and get a leaner body, visit my site and sign up to get a free ebook that will help you to begin your journey.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Healthy habits for life

How to Create Healthy Habits in 21 Days

Author: Carol Merlo


My mother Ann is my best role model. At 83 years of age, she does water aerobics 3 times a week, plays bridge and does crossword puzzles. She is one of the most positive people I have ever known! She has been exercising her entire life, eats a diet high in fruits and vegetables, and takes high quality supplements. What's her secret? In my efforts to find a way to establish and maintain healthy habits so I can look and feel like my mother, I discovered a few articles that helped me understand what I needed to do. First I had to learn which things were the most important and most likely for me to actually do.
  1. A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine 2001 showed that Healthy Habits including vegetarianism and regular exercise and virtually non-existent rates of smoking might add years to life span.
  2. A study from Science Daily (Jan. 9, 2008) showed that people who adopt four healthy behaviors — not smoking; taking exercise; moderate alcohol intake; and eating five servings of fruit and vegetables a day — live on average an additional fourteen years of life compared with people who adopt none of these behaviors.
  3. A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) showed that obesity is "socially contagious." That means that people tend to follow suit when their friends and family become obese or lose weight.In fact, obesity spreads among friends and family with close social ties, even if they live 500 miles away from each other.
It takes 21 days to create a habit.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz wrote the bestseller Psycho-Cyberneticsin the 1960′s. Originally a Plastic Surgeon, Maltz noticed that it took 21 days for amputees to cease feeling phantom sensations in the amputated limb. From further observations, he found it took 21 days to create a new habit. Since then, the '21 Day Habit Theory' has become an accepted part of self-help programs.


Brain circuits take engrams (memory traces), and produce neuroconnections and neuropathways only if they are bombarded for 21 days in a row. This means that our brain does not accept ‘new' data for a change of habit unless it is repeated each day for 21 days (without missing a day)."If you miss a day, just keep going until you've been doing the new behavior for 21 days in a row. Just by drinking more water, eating super foods, exercising more, and taking high quality supplements you will be able to stave off the ravages of time and enjoy a sense of well-being as you age. By joining my health community, you can be part of team of people who know that they won't change without each other's support. Now you can start keeping track of the Super Foods you eat, and the other behaviors it takes to create and maintain habits that will create a lifetime of health and wellness.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Healthy living for kids



Author: James Druman
Raising a child in the modern world presents a host of modern challenges, and among those challenges is providing the variables that lead to the health of a human child and help them eventually grow into a healthy adult. Poor health is rightfully blamed on a lot of societal woes—both psychological and physical—and even criminal behavior is most often tied back to the start we are given in our childhood.
So what makes a healthy child? Well, obviously that's a complex issue that is up for debate in many circles, but sometimes the best way to tackle complex issues is simplify them. And let's face it, most adults have the innate ability to know what is good and bad fro growing bodies and minds. We are naturally inclined to know what is good for a child and common sense goes a long way.
In the intent to simplify, let's look at 3 areas that are vital to a growing child's health and how you can provide this in modern society.
1. Nutrition
It's no secret how vital nutrition is in the health of a human body, and in fact, we have found that not only do most of our modern health problems, many of which are primarily associated with the Western diet, arise from bad nutrition, but the wrong diet is also found to cause emotional problems and even criminal tendencies. But in this day and age, children are raised on a succession of microwave sandwiches, simple carbohydrates, and pure junk food.
Only you have the power to teach your children to acquire a taste for healthier foods, and it always starts at home. You don't need to count their calories or raise them on complex diets composed of super foods you can't even pronounce and that don't taste like food at all—just give them well-balanced meals, unprocessed foods, and plenty of greens. Again, much of this is common sense.

2. Socializing
Learning to properly socialize is paramount in a child's emotional and spiritual growth. A lot of this just comes from school, clubs, sports, etc, but perhaps even more crucial is monitoring who children socialize with and how they do it. There are plenty of opportunities these days for kids to be tempted or corrupted by a wide range of influences.
While it may seem counter-intuitive as a path to a better social life, many parents find home schooling gives them the power to choose more about what goes on in their kids' lives and what kind of social interaction they get. Most keep their children heavily involved in sports activities, clubs, events, and get-togethers to ensure ample socializing takes place.

3. Exercise
Finally, modern children often do not get enough exercise, and this is another area that is crucial to normal physical and emotional growth. Make hiking, sports, and simple outside activity a regular part of their lives. Consider putting together an activity center in your yard. It might be easier to plop them in front of a television while you juggle the many responsibilities of an American adult, but what seems like harmless hours passed in front of a computer or television affects them directly and robs them of the opportunity to be a healthier person and develop good habits.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Healthy life style

Author: vbrrpfkdr
A balanced and nutritious diet is the foundation for a healthy, happy and energetic lifestyle. Your cells and organs are designed to stay healthy and get rid of any toxic substances or invaders. It does need to be treated well to perform its natural functions, though, and this means eating a healthy diet. Just as a high performance car needs the right fuel and other materials to keep it running well, so your body has needs. When it comes to shedding excess weight, your best solution isn't to go on the latest fad diet, but to start eating a more balanced diet and sticking to it. So let's look at some ways you can transform your eating habits in a more positive direction.
When it comes to your health and your weight, what's most important is finding the right balance. Your main goal should be to achieve optimum health. What you want to avoid is going back and forth between losing and gaining weight, as this isn't healthy. Rather than take desperate measures to lose a certain amount of weight, do so in a sensible way so you can keep it off. Being too thin can set the stage for certain types of health problems. Everyone knows, of course, that being obese puts you at risk for many problems too. You don't, therefore, want to be under or overweight, but to find the golden mean. What really counts when it comes to your eating habits is what you do consistently, so you should aim for balance rather than perfection. It can be counterproductive to attempt to ban unhealthy foods from your diet, as few people can really stick to this kind of promise. You don't want to be one of those people who swears off something for a few months and then, in a moment of weakness, eats a whole carton or package of it. That particular phenomenon often occurs in times of high emotional stress. The alternative is to eat what you really like, if it is fattening for example, but only do so in great moderation. Foods that are healthy and nutritious, meanwhile, should be your regular staples. By adhering to a mostly healthy diet, you can reward yourself occasionally with those sweet or fattening foods that tempt you.
Understand that a healthy diet also contains sources of fats as well. Fat is an important component that is necessary for your body to utilize certain vitamins. This means that your body will more effectively utilize the nutrients if you take in a healthy amount of fat.
There are good kinds of fat and bad kinds of fat, so be aware of what kind you're including in your diet. Reduction of unhealthy saturated fat is an important consideration when looking at what to remove from your diet. Omega fats are something you should consider including in your diet so that you can get the right amount of essential fatty acids.
Many businesses rake in lots of money by offering people solutions to eating the right foods, losing weight, etc. In reality, however, eating a balanced diet is fairly simple. The simpler you make your foods, the better off you will be. There are many ideas about weight loss, but the most effective involves a healthy, natural diet and moderate portions. Losing weight will naturally come more easily if you get regular physical activity.
Many of these useful tips can be extremely helpful in several health problems and they may also be great to increase height by natural means.
If you among those folks who searching for a techniques to gain height naturally and safely, then check out the links at the bottom for some recommendations.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

How To Live a Healthy Life

Author: Angela Garrison
We all live 2 lives, we have the life we actually live and the life we dream of living. What's standing in your way are little lies or resistance. Resistance to change causes us to lie to ourselves all the time. Our mind considers these healthy lies and it makes us feel better about not being the person we dream of being.
Here are 3 "healthy" lies you must stop telling yourself for they are keeping you from the healthy life full of happiness you dream of.
Lie # 1: I can't live a healthy life because of my genetics
Think to yourself for a minute…is that really true?
Why do we give ourselves this free pass? We tell ourselves things like "well, my whole family is overweight…", "well, my mother or father had cancer…", "well, I'm destined to be this way…" This is our resistance talking and keeping you from the healthy life you deserve. It's a bunch of baloney. Did you know that by the time you reach 50, your lifestyle, including your diet, determines 80% of how you age! The remaining 20% is inherited through genetics.
Truth: Genetics do not determine your health or quality of life, it is your choices.
Lie #2: I can't live a healthy life because I have no control when it comes to food
Think to yourself for a minute…is this really true?
You absolutely have control over what you put into your body. Your inner resistance is making you believe this crazy thought. Be careful, sometimes you cannot trust what you think, because it's simply not true.
Truth: You have a choice. I used to eat whatever I wanted and it was all food that did nothing to nourish my body. It took being diagnosed with an auto immune disorder that made me stop and think about what I was doing to myself. I made a choice to give my body the nutrients I need every day because of what I want out of life. I want to not just watch my children grow, but be actively involved. Show them how to run and get the winning goal, show them the view from the top of the mountain, dance at their weddings, and play vigorously with my future grandchildren.

healthy-liveLie #3: I can't live a healthy life because it's too late, the damage has been done
Think to yourself for a minute…is this really true?
Is it possible that after years of neglecting your body, that you could live the healthful life you were meant to live?
It's never too late! Our human body has the incredible ability to heal itself given the right nutrients. The dietary and lifestyle choices you make everyday help to shape the underlying causes of most diseases and illnesses.
You control your health destiny, you! Nobody else can. It's your personal responsibility to take care of yourself. Stop telling yourself these little health lies!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

The Importance Of Mental And Physical Fitness



Author: joel smith
Life is best enjoyed when one is healthy. This is because disease causes lots of pain and misery and no one ever wants to get sick at all. However, it is important to note that in order to maintain a goods and healthy lifestyle, one must have both mental and physical fitness.
The road towards obtaining good physical and health can be very complex since in some cases it involves a lot of adherence to certain regulations that many people do not like. These regulations vary from the food you eat to the things you do and even how you do them. If not adequately observed, these actions could be very difficult to achieve and that is why some people have to enroll to special fitness gyms in order to achieve the desired results.
When looking for fitness gyms, it is important to note that there are considerations that you have to make. For starters, the facility must have the right equipment. Lack of the right equipment may lead to accidents in the course of your training or wrong training all together. The other factor that musts be considered is the trainers since they will determine the kind of exercises that you have to do.
Qualified trainers will understand what kind of exercises you need to do for specific benefits. It is important at this point to note that different people have different needs when it comes to exercises. This in turn means that specific workout programs designed for one person may not necessarily work for another.
This caution is important for those who simply look for any training program that anyone take part in and joins in it without making any inquiries to verify whether the same program can work in their situation. Other great factors that cannot be overlooked include the location.
It would be very unwise to pick on a facility that is too far away from your place of residence unless you are ready to spend too much time and money on the commuting expenses on a regular basis. The other risk that you stand by choosing a facility that is miles away is that you may feel so lazy and fail to attend your training as expected due to the distance.
Besides the physical fitness, there is the mental aspect of it as well. There are exercises that are meant to jog your mind and make you vibrant and lively at all times. Besides the exercises, there are certain foods that have been proven to enhance brain development. These include foods rich in calcium and irons such as fish among others. It is therefore necessary to ensure you pick your meals carefully in order to achieve this particular objective.
Besides food, there are games that contribute to enhancing your mental fitness. These are games that force or compel you to think. The list of such games includes the game of chase, cards among many others. Taking part in such games on a regular basis will always sharpen your thinking and make you mentally healthy at all times.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Health and fitness tips

Author: Ryan Cote
Below are our top 10 health and fitness tips, in no particular order. From healthy eating habits to exercise programs, these health and fitness tips will help you get smarter about weight loss, wellness and healthy living overall.
1. Drink more water. You hear this all the time and there's a reason for that - because it's important! Drinking water curbs your hunger, hydrates your body and nourishes you from the inside out, including your skin. Aim for half your body weight in ounces per day. i.e. if you weigh 150 lbs, you would aim to drink 75 ounces of water per day.

walk-healthy2. For faster fat loss and a stronger heart, try sprint interval training. The basic format of sprint interval training is sprint/walk/sprint/walk, etc. Pick a stretch of road that is flat for 50 yards - sprint the 50 yards, walk back slowly, repeat - do this 10 times. Make sure you're warmed up before you start sprinting and that you warm down when you're done. Sprint interval training boosts your metabolism, burns more fat, and takes less time to complete.
health-sugar3. Stay away from sugar! When you consume sugar, it causes your body to release insulin - and insulin causes your body to store fat. That's why those fat-free cookies with extra sugar are actually causing you to gain weight. Read the ingredients label and stay away from products heavy in sugar and high fructose corn syrup. "Healthy" breakfast cereals and bars are notorious for being high in these two ingredients.
4. Add more of the following foods to your diet: whole grains, olive oil, eggs, natural peanut butter, fish, poultry, berries, apples, almonds, protein powder and water. These foods will help you burn more fat, stay in shape and better your health.
5. Add weight training to your exercise routine. Adding muscle to your body increases your life span, makes you stronger and burns fat. If you're looking to tone up, use a weight that you can lift 8-12 times; if you're looking to add bulk, use a weight you can lift 4-6 times. Weight train 2-3 times per week and keep your weight training sessions to 45 minutes max.

diet-balance6. At a minimum, add a quality multivitamin to your diet and fish oil softgels (omega-3 fatty acids). Most people don't get a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals from foods alone so it's important you compliment your healthy eating habits with a strong multi. The fish oil softgels are important because most people's diets are severely lacking in omega-3 fatty acids and this is suspected to be a contributing factor to many health diseases, including obesity. Fish oil softgels are the easiest way to add omega-3's to your diet - consume 2,000 to 3,000 mg of omega-3's per day.
7. Add more Wild Alaskan salmon to your diet. It's extremely high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, and low in fat - an incredibly healthy combination. And Wild Alaskan salmon is very low in mercury, the one problem with regular salmon.
8. Stay away from foods that contain hydrogenated oils and processed foods altogether. Hydrogenated oils, or trans fats, wreck havoc on your body and some states are even banning them. Read the ingredients of the food you are eating - it will indicate if it contains hydrogenated oils - and if it does, toss it! Processed foods are the chemically-altered, packaged foods like many of the foods targeted towards kids nowadays. Usually you can tell a food is processed if the ingredients show a list of chemicals a mile long.

9. A simple way to keep your weight under control is stop eating before you're full. Portion control is an easy way to make sure you don't over eat and gain weight. If you continuously eat until your uncomfortably full, you'll consume too many calories and stretch your stomach out, causing you to eat more often.

10. Give yoga a try because you'll be amazed at the difference it makes when your body is limber and flexible, plus it will help reduce your chances of injury. Yoga consists of 15-20 minutes of deep stretching and usually meditation. Your body will feel younger and you'll have less stress - combine this with cardio, weight training and a healthy diet, and in 12 weeks you'll be in the best shape of your life.


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