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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Insomnia - causes and effects


Author: Jacob Daniel
Insomnia is a disorder of sleep where one finds it uneasy to fall asleep for quite a long time. Insomnia is not only the inability to fall asleep but one also experiences a long sleeping disorder. Sleep is something that is more connected with the brain and thus any snag in brain causes sleep disorders more likely. Insomnia can arise at any age but it is more likely to affect the elderly or those who are caught up with busy lifestyles. People may suffer from insomnia for a short period say about 3 weeks or for a long time say for years. Insomnia has many adverse effects on human body and health like memory loss, irritability, depression that at the end leads to heart diseases like stroke.
There are mainly three categories into which this condition can be categorized they are primary, secondary and comorbid insomnia conditions. Primary insomnia is a condition where one has a sleep disorder, complains of protracted sleep or non-refreshing sleep. This condition is not linked to medical or psychiatric problems but if this disorder persists more than a month it is high time you take it serious and diagnose the reason behind this. There can a be a lot of things around you and by simplifying those you can certainly get a healthy sleep full life. Let us put an eye on the causes of insomnia in detail.
  • One of the common insomnia causes are chronic pain as people suffering from such pain tend to have less sleep or sleep disorders. Chronic pain such as continuing headache, back pain or some sort of joint syndrome are the main causes of sleeplessness and restless nights.
  • Insomnia in many cases is a symptom and a cause of people falling into depression largely. If you are having stress or are suffering from some emotional trauma, you are more likely to get depressed very easily as your emotional status is very weak and thus sleeplessness is the first thing to caught up the mind. Brain uses a single neurotransmitter for mood and sleep and thus both are connected and affected by each other.
  • If you are a chronic snorer then be alert, as studies state that snoring may be the symptom of an upcoming sleeplessness disorder. This is also a disorder, which is linked to sever issues like high blood pressure and heart diseases like heart stroke.
  • Jet lag may also be a reason for a short-term sleep disorder as crossing over the time zones often disturb brain functioning and causes you to have disturbed sleep. It takes up to three days to get over jet lag if you are affected once by it but if you travel over time zones often then it may become a chronic sleep issue and must be cured to not to have its effect on health.
  • If you are working in shifts that often keeps changing between nights and days, you will certainly suffer from insomnia as this directly affects brain. People who work in shifts have less serotonin hormone level, which is responsible for sleep and thus if you are having such issues better take care of your shift timings to avoid any long-term issues.
  • Hormonal changes like menstruation, pregnancy or menopause may also affect once sleeping syndrome as tender breasts, hot flashes, recurrent urination affects sleep patterns and causes insomnia and thus consulting your doctor and taking proper medication to avoid the side effects is must.
  • Prolonged diseases like asthma, heart failure, Parkinson's or any other neurological disease are also likely to affect sleep as there is a disturbance in the breathing patter that directly affects sleep and thus consulting your physician and taking proper medication and advice is must.
Some of the other unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, alcohol or taking drugs also affects sleep largely as all your internal hormones get affected. Taking a lot of medicines may also effect sleep specially if your bedtime dosage is high thus consulting a physician beforetime with all these issues is very important. If you adopt a little precaution and take relevant measures like leaving smoking, drinking and doing proper meditation, you can certainly cure the prolonged sleeplessness.

About the Author
If you want to know more about causes of insomnia, kindly visit

Saturday 26 January 2013

Tips for Restful Sleep


Author: Mike Mulrooney
Do you find yourself feeling sluggish throughout the day because of lack of sleep? Or maybe you did sleep but you discover that you are still tired and worn out instead of feeling refreshed and rested. You are not alone, there are millions of people all over the world who toss and turn at night trying to get enough rest.
There may be a lot of factors that contribute to your lack of sleep. Perhaps you're stressed about an issue at work, or maybe some issues with your family and other relationship. You may not have any control about these factors that cause you to lose sleep, but don't worry, there are some things you can do have a more restful sleep.

Get comfortable in your sleep environment

It helps if you turn your bedroom into an ideal place for sleeping. If you've been sleeping on the same mattress for the past 10 years, it's time for you to get a new one. If your bedroom has large windows, consider buying curtains that are dark colored or made of heavy fabric. If you have a pet, don't let them sleep in your bedroom so they won't wake you up at night. And as much as possible, do not put a TV, or a computer inside your bedroom.

Set a schedule

You can help your body adjust to an internal clock if you make a habit of sleeping and getting up at the same time each day. Yes! Every day, even during weekends, or even holidays. This will get your body's sleep-wake cycle in its natural rhythm. Consistency is essential for this to be successful.

Limit your nap time

This may be the culprit to your restless sleep at night. Try to limit your nap time to less than an hour. If it doesn't make any difference, and you still find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, then avoid having naps altogether.

Have a pre-bedtime routine

Do something before going to bed that truly relaxes you. Why not take a soothing bath, or read a good book. Some people find that doing light exercise like stretching helps them to sleep faster. Find the activity that works for you.

Cut back on your caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant, and can cause sleep problems hours after you've ingested it. If you cannot avoid caffeine altogether, just limit your overall intake, and try not to drink caffeinated drinks after lunch, better yet, just get a decaf.

Exercise regularly

Including a daily physical activity in your daily routine may help you have a more restful and deep sleep. Just try not to exercise too close to your bedtime because you might feel more alert and energized.
There are so many more ways to get that restful sleep that you want. Try them and see which ones will be best for you. Sweet dreams!

About the Author
Mike Mulrooney BA Hons, FICS, has been a family man for over 30 years. He's been a father six times over and is happily married (for the third time) He is an authority on Russian shipping business and has criss crossed the world many times. It is this experience that has widened his vision on the building of self esteem.
Click here to find out more and get FREE eBook, "How to Increase Confidence in the 7 Main Areas of Life" NOW!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Burning Eyes – Causes of Burning Eyes


Author: peterhutch
Burning eyes affects about 30% of reading glasses wearers at one time or another. It is the commonest symptom of dry eyes. Most just suffer in silence, but there are simple steps that can be taken to help the condition.

Eye burning with discharge is burning, itching, or drainage from the eye of any substance other than tears. Lots of different things can make your eyes burn. Smoke, pollen, or a viral infection such as a cold or the flu can cause eyes to itch, burn, water, and redden. In these cases the burning and itching usually go away when the irritant is removed.

Sometimes burning and itching eyes are due to environmental pollutants that might be eliminated by social action. If secondhand cigarette smoke is annoying, say so. If an industrial plant in the area is polluting, contact the EPA for solutions.

Unprotected eyes can also be burned by the ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, tanning lamps or arc welding equipment. Like sunburns to the skin, you won't feel pain until hours later, when the eyes and the area around them swell. Near-UV rays can damage your retina. The risk of sunburn to the eyes is very high when sunlight is reflected off water, sand or snow.

Causes of Burning eyes
Chronic dry or burning eyes can be caused by age, some medications, and disease. Itchy, burning eyelids can also result from infection.
Tears bathe the eye, washing out dust and debris and keeping the eye moist. They also contain enzymes that neutralize the microorganisms that colonize the eye. Tears are essential for good eye health.
Allergy is caused by an oversensitive immune system, which leads to a misdirected immune response. The immune system normally protects the body against harmful substances, such as bacteria and viruses. It reacts to substances (allergens) that are generally harmless and in most people do not cause a problem.

Sometimes burning and itching eyes are due to environmental pollutants that might be eliminated by social action. If secondhand cigarette smoke is annoying, say so. If an industrial plant in the area is polluting, contact the EPA for solutions.

Pink eye or viral conjunctivitis causes a red or bloodshot eye and excessive tearing. If you suspect pink eye, remember to wash your hands often, and avoid touching the unaffected eye. The infection will run its course in about 10 days.

During the normal aging process, our bodies and our eyes produce gradually less and less oil. This reduction in oil in the tear film results in quicker evaporation leading to the formation of dry spots on our eyes.

Treatment for Burning eyes

Artificial tears used four-to-six times a day can also relieve symptoms. Avoid over-the-counter eyedrops other than artificial tears because they will eventually make symptoms worse.

Antihistamines in the form of eye-drops or ointments may be prescribed. Cortisone-like eye ointments are not often prescribed. These medications will reduce many types of inflammation, but can make certain infections, such as herpes, worse.

Conserving the tears in your own eyes is another approach to keeping the eyes moist. Tears drain out of the eye through a small canal into the nose (that is why your nose runs when you cry). Your ophthalmologist may close these canals either temporarily or permanently. This closure conserves your own tears and makes artificial tears last longer.

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Sunday 20 January 2013

The Possible Causes of Right Side Back Pain


Author: Brue Baker
Back pain is common among adults and it can lead to serious back problems if left untreated. The large majority of upper and lower back pain is caused by muscle strain, and will take care of itself over a period of time with the help of over the counter medications or other natural remedies.

Right side back pain, however, may have other causes, which may warrant a visit to the doctor for a definitive diagnosis and effective treatment plan. It is important to understand what some of the causes of right side back pain might be.

The Possibility of Infection

If you are experiencing pain on the right side of your body that begins as a dull ache and gradually increases in intensity, and is accompanied by other symptoms like fever and nausea, you may have a urinary tract infection. Other symptoms of an infection may include a burning sensation while urinating or a constant pressure in the bladder.

If you suspect that the reason for your right side back pain might be a urinary tract infection, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor. He or she can do a urine test to determine whether you do indeed have an infection, and prescribe medication if necessary.

It Could Be a Hernia

A hernia could be another reason for your right side back pain, especially if the pain is localized to the lower back area. Although a hernia is not a life-threatening condition, it does require treatment by a doctor to avoid possible complications and further pain.

In many cases, the best course of action for a hernia is surgery. The good news is that by repairing the hernia, you will be able to get rid of your right side back pain once and for all.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is another condition that can cause right side back pain. This type of pain is generally more widespread, and may include other symptoms like bloating, gas, nausea and fatigue. Irritable bowel syndrome can be treated through a high fiber diet and an increased intake of liquids.

Your doctor may also prescribe medications or other types of treatment to care for your irritable bowel syndrome. If you get this potentially painful condition under control through these methods, you should notice a significant reduction in the pain on the right side of your back as well.

There are a number of reasons why you could be experiencing right side back pain. That is why it is a good idea to see your doctor about your back pain so that you can get an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan. Good luck on your journey towards health and wellness!

About the Author
Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being. Rather than hitting your head against a wall trying to find unbiased health information let Brue take you by the hand and give you the best natural health resources on the web. Visit to learn more.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Best 5 Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening


Author: Teeth Whitening
Want to have younger look? Want to have sky boggling smile? In enhancing your smile and look, your teeth play smaller role but definitely it is an effective role. Good teeth resemble personality of a person and can change the overall appearance. Today scientifically if you look around, dentist can flood you with enormous teeth whitening treatment. Laser treatments are most popular today that can eradicate yellowish layer from your teeth and can give you sprinkling smile. But the question is, do you really want o visit dentist? Are you ready to spend money in teeth whitening treatment? If not, then look for home remedies for teeth whitening.
Yes, you have heard correct. Teeth whitening treatments can be pursued at home with some grandma remedies. People used to have white dazzling teeth in olden days as well and the reason behind this was their oral care which included some home remedies.
• Use strawberry everyday and gain shining teeth.
• Strawberry possesses malic acid.
• Malic acid is moreover used in many toothpastes and so using fresh strawberries can be beneficial.
• Juice of strawberry should stay on your teeth for around 2 minutes.
• For this you can rub strawberries on teeth by cutting it in to pieces.
• Or else you can mash it and then apply it as a medicine to your teeth.
• Strawberry is rich in fiber which cleans teeth and eradicates bacteria from it.
• Carrots are natural stain remover as they are rich in vitamin C.
• Saliva is a cleaning agent to your mouth and carrot has ability to increase creation of saliva.
• Carrot has ability to kill bacteria that affects gum like odor creating bacteria in mouth.
• Carrot can be used by rubbing it on your teeth to gain glowing looking teeth. •
Carrot is an efficient stain removing agent.
• Lemon possess high constituent of citrus in it which reproduces saliva.
• Lemon can act as a bleaching agent to whiten your teeth. • Rinse your mouth with mixture of water and half lemon juice.
• Follow this procedure twice in a week.
• Note: Don't overuse lemon or else it would damage your teeth.
Cheddar cheese
• Cheddar is a hard cheese unlike other soft cheese and eating it helps in removing stain from your mouth.
• Cheddar cheese comprises of vitamin D and calcium.
• Eradicating other food particles from your teeth by means of this cheese can prevent teeth from staining, leading to whitening of teeth.
Baking soda
• You can usually find baking soda in your tooth paste.
• Sprinkle baking soda on top of paste and brush your teeth as it is effective whitening agent.
• Twice in a month you can brush your teeth only with baking soda.
• It is said that baking soda is acid neutralizer due to which it directly makes attack to stain.
Important tip for you is never drink juice directly instead make use of straw so that juice directly gets transferred to stomach via mouth preventing interaction of teeth to it.

About the Author
We are Teeth Whitening Laser Teeth Whitening specialists in The most advanced instant 1 hr Laser Teeth Whitening, teeth whitening training now have a wide range of Teeth Bleaching, teeth whitening manchester, teeth bleaching, teeth whitening london, tooth whitening,

Sunday 13 January 2013

How You Can Treat Heartburn without Drugs


Author: Binod
Heartburn is a very common problem in a stressed-out and poorly fed society. For most people medicine is the cure. If you wish to avoid the side effects of drugs, deal with the issue naturally by making a few small changes to your daily regimen.
Heartburn is caused by the buildup of acid which occurs when the stomach is too full. To lower your chances of getting heartburn, take care not to overeat, especially at dinner. Beverages should also be avoided in the evening as they add to an overfull stomach. Carbonated beverages are particularly nasty culprits.
A healthier approach to your diet is to break your daily meals into smaller sizes. Small-portion meals during the day will curb you from overindulging yourself. Also keep your meal times at least a couple of hours away from your bedtime. When you allow your stomach the time to digest, you will get a better night's sleep. When you sleep, rest your upper body in an elevated position with the help of pillows under your shoulders. This will reduce the risk of the digestive acid traveling upward and working against gravity.
Some foods are known to promote acidity. Avoiding such items is prudent for chronic heartburn sufferers. Meals with high acid levels such as coffee, chocolate, wine, and tomatoes are known contributors to indigestions. Foods that contain a lot of fat can also trigger an episode.
Non-citrus fruits, such as mangoes and bananas, and veggies, such as cabbages and potatoes, aid in getting rid of heartburn. If you are not a fruit eater, you can simply eat high-fiber foods like brown rice, or foods that are considered bland like sourdough bread. Eating foods such as these will help sooth the ph level of the stomach, reducing the risk of acid indigestion.
There is a reason why acid reflux is a common feature with people who are overweight. When you carry extra weight around your stomach, it creates pressure on the abdomen, leading to the backup of acid. By taking several pounds off your waist, you can eliminate heartburn.
Late night drinking and heavy smoking can also lead to indigestion and thus promote acid reflux. Alcohol and nicotine soften the digestive muscles that are supposed to stop acid from entering the esophagus. Therefore you need to curb your smoking or drinking habits to effectively control heartburn's aggravating conditions. If you are prone to very severe attacks, then it is best to give up smoking and drinking entirely. A great way to help you get over your smoking addiction is to chew gum. This will help by increasing saliva production and swallowing, both helpful in eliminating acid reflux.
You already know that you should be working out on a regular basis to benefit your overall health. Doing this will help you keep your heartburn at bay. Start working out slowly to improve your digestion.
Now that you have diet and exercise under control, you can add supplements into your daily routine to aid your body in its battle against acid reflux. Ginger, cardamom, and honey are good anti-heartburn agents. You can find these foods in most kitchens. These herbal delights can be added to meals, or eaten as they are.
The health food store is a great source of anti-heartburn supplements. Look for a blend of herbs designed for heartburn and easily downed as a capsule. Licorice can be used to soothe a flare-up, and digestive enzymes can flood your system with enzymes that will facilitate the digestion of your meals. Your battle with heartburn can be assisted by consuming vitamin B, aloe vera juice, or chamomile tea.
A few lifestyle changes have the power to set you free from heartburn symptoms. You will need to stay committed to the changes you make over the long haul, since the process takes time.
Nobody should have to endure the curse of heartburn. Make the necessary changes right away, and you will be on the path toward wellness.

About the Author
Many health problems can be cured simply applying some natural remedies. Checkout this article on how to get rid of a sore throat fast & many more tips for you to solve you daily life problems like this one.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Natural Relaxation - Amazing Discovery for Enjoying Life

Author: Jimmy Allen
To really enjoy ourselves in life, we often feel that we have to do something special. We dine at a fashionable new restaurant, go to a party or see the latest movie. We seek out fun and new experiences as an attempt to free ourselves from stress, depression, worries and troubles.
Sarah McCrum, a relaxation expert at the Academy of Potential Education in New Zealand said that "soon, we find that these activities only give us temporary relief, an excited feeling that passes and not a long lasting sense of enjoyment that only natural relaxation can bring."
After all this excitement and entertainment, we often feel tired or even exhausted. It is similar to a toy that uses batteries to work. Eventually after playing with the toy, the batteries run out and the toy stops working. This is similar to what happens to us when we rely on our own energy supply-energy from our body and organs, which is limited.
When we rely on our own energy supply, we get tired more easily. We find it difficult to enjoy ourselves and may even feel a sense of depression. To escape stress and recharge our energy, we often sleep, go on vacation or adjust our busy schedule. But these stress relief solutions are only temporary. What we need is to find new ways to constantly get more energy. When we have more energy, life is automatically more enjoyable.

Often, when we are doing any activity we are either thinking about what we are doing or thinking about something completely different. We might even start to worry. Frequently, we are unconsciously in a state of tension, and are simply not physically and emotionally at peace. As a result, we stop energy from entering and flowing through our body. And then our meridians aren't open and relaxed, so we get tired and find it difficult to experience joy.
When we learn how to receive and flow with energy, we start to appreciate the world in a completely different way. When we are open, happy and experiencing natural relaxation, we can receive a higher source of life energy - quality energy that is light and fresh, making us more positive and glowing. Everything around us becomes brighter and more peaceful, and our experiences change for the better.
Everything we do is automatically more enjoyable because we have quality energy that gives us motivation and restoration. For example, sleep is more refreshing, music sounds more rhythmic and food tastes better. We are interested in the world around us and we have an inner confidence that we can solve our problems. We don't worry or feel depression and we can enjoy being in the moment.
Perhaps you already knew that you need natural relaxation, but what is it, truly? Give yourself the time and patience to, explore, learn and practice. Give yourself permission to receive greater health, happiness and peace.

About the Author
Founder and Director of the Inspirational Learning Academy in Sedona Arizona. Jimmy Allen is also the director of the iRelaxNow relaxation programs. For over 25 years, he has helped thousands of children and adults improve the quality of their health, happiness and peace. Try a FREE live-online workshop at or contact him at

Tuesday 8 January 2013

How To Effectively Reduce Belly Fat


Author: Rebecca Welch
Jelly Belly. Love Handles. Dunlap Disease. Whatever you want to call it, the excess fat around your midsection that wiggles and jiggles in all the wrong places just isn't pretty. Not only is belly fat unattractive, it can be downright dangerous to your health. Extra fat carried around your abdomen can increase your risk of heart disease. With so many pills, potions and programs flooding the weight loss industry today, many people are left feeling just plain confused about how to effectively reduce belly fat.

The first thing you must know about how to effectively reduce belly fat is that there is no magic bullet when it comes to weight loss. Reducing body fat levels requires a three pronged approach that doesn't come from popping diet pills or gulping down foul tasting drinks. Belly fat also won't come off by trying to spot reduce only doing sit-ups or crunches. It's just not possible to spot reduce, so don't waste your time.

So, the question remains, how do you effectively reduce belly fat? Here is a safe, practical three pronged approach to get rid of belly fat.

1. Healthy Meals. Notice the word diet isn't part of the equation. That's because the word diet conjures up visions of carrots and celery and not much else. The word diet gives us nightmares of deprivation and hunger, and that's not the image we're looking for with permanent weight loss. Just because the word diet isn't used does not mean you're free to gorge on junk food at will. Healthy meals consist of lean protein, lots of vegetables, whole grains and some fruit. Your should consistantly choose foods that are as close as possible to their natural state.

2. Cardiovascular Exercise. Regular cardiovascular exercise will reduce body fat levels. Where should you start? Wallking is great cardio! Put your shoes on and get moving for at least 30 minutes per day. It doesn't matter how fast or how far you walk in the beginning, the most important point is that you're moving your body aerobically on a regular basis. If you don't enjoy walking then ride a bike, rollerskate, jog, run. Participate in whatever aerobic activity you enjoy.

3. Lift Weights. Yes, you did read that correctly! If you're wondering what lifting weights has to do with effectively reducing belly fat, then read on. Regular weight lifting has several beneficial effects for those folks trying to reduce their body fat levels. Muscles burn extra calories. The more muscle you carry on your frame, the more calories you burn in a 24 hour period which translates into extra fat burning power. Muscles take up about one third less space than fat. Muscles give you the power to carry on your daily activities more effectively and with energy to spare.

Learning how to effectively reduce belly fat isn't a difficult task. The three principle keys to getting rid of your gut rely on diet, cardiovascular exercise and weight lifting on a regular basis. Remember, you didn't sprout belly fat overnight and you can't get rid of belly fat in a day, but you can reduce belly fat if you're willing to put forth a bit of

About the Author
Get your risk free trial of the best plan to effectively reduce belly fat. reshape your body regardless of age, gender, or metabolic type. See more tips about how to get fit and how to stay fit.


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