Friday 1 February 2013

Don’t Let Worry Destroy Your Health


Author: Jimmy Allen
Worrying never gets good results. It is not good for our emotions, our health, our creative ability or for fulfilling our life. Still we worry that if we don't stress out and worry like everyone else, how will others judge us? Will we be perceived as crazy, not normal, not right or as having low morality?
Why does most of the world live life this way? It is almost inconceivable to think that you can stop worrying. But, we can!
Relaxation expert Sarah McCrum, of the Academy of Potential Education said recently that "we can learn the art of natural relaxation - relaxing our thoughts and our body and simply doing nothing other than breathing and smiling. We can then use our relaxation skills and choose not to worry when we don't want to, and honestly, you never really want to worry. It will take time because we can't shut worrying off after all those years of indulging in it. But we can become better at cutting it off and not spiraling into a black hole." Often, we worry because it is the norm and we don't realize that we have a choice.
We do have a choice if you are aware of it. It is your choice to make! Nobody can make you worry and nobody can stop you from not worrying.
Worry is actually pretty old fashioned. It belongs to our past and it is rapidly going out of style. It's not a creative lifestyle. It's not the lifestyle of the future. Just because most of the whole world worries, it doesn't mean that you have to! As human knowledge develops, human awareness and consciousness expands, and worrying will gradually disappear.
What is replacing worry now is relaxation - a deep trust in life itself. Your creative ability, your happiness, your health and your consciousness will grow the more you improve your ability to be relaxed. Your actions, your work, your responses to the world around you change when you know how to relax.
Often, when we are doing an activity we are either thinking about what we are doing or thinking about something completely different. We might even start to worry. We are too often in a state of unconscious tension, and are simply not physically and emotionally at peace. As a result, we block energy from entering and flowing through our body. And then our meridians aren't open and relaxed, so we get tired and find it difficult to experience joy.
When we learn how to relax and flow with life, we start to appreciate the world in a completely different way. When we are open, happy and experiencing natural relaxation, we can receive a higher source of life energy - quality energy that is light and vibrant, making us more positive and glowing.
Through proper relaxation training, we can learn how to not worry. We can learn how to breathe again like when we were a baby - relaxed and surrendered to life. We don't have to "do anything" but rather, just "be." Soon we learn that worry doesn't stem from external factors, but rather comes from inside ourselves. Then the more we become aware of it the more we can do to release that tension that we call worry.
To prevent worry from destroying your health and happiness, research a little and find a relaxation program with skilled experts to help you realize that there is a reason for everything, a cause and a remedy for everything. Every situation has a solution and we just have to find it. While we are searching we feel good and not so helpless, so we just keep on searching and we don't give up. The more knowledge we have, the more peace we have. We see possibilities, so we have a future. In this way, worry gradually and surely comes to its end.

About the Author
Founder and Director of the Inspirational Learning Academy in Sedona Arizona. Jimmy Allen is the director of the iRelaxNow relaxation programs. For over 25 years, he has helped thousands of children and adults improve the quality of their health, happiness and peace. Try a FREE live-online workshop at or contact him at


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