Living Healthy Life  

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

What Your Cough or Blocked Nose Could Be Telling You


Author: inspiringlife
What is Sinusitis?
Sinuses are air-filled cavities in the bones of your face. Lined with mucus membranes, these cavities open into your nasal cavities through small sinus openings. The sinus linings then produce a thick liquid called mucus which drains into the nose
When these membranes become swollen and inflamed, the condition is called sinusitis. Often, a lot of mucus is produced and this mucus can block the sinus openings. Sinusitis is a common condition with more than 24 million cases occurring in the United States annually.
Sinusitis can be acute (going on less than four weeks), subacute (4–8 weeks) or chronic (going on for 8 weeks or more).All three types of sinusitis have similar symptoms, and are thus often difficult to distinguish. Acute sinusitis is very common. Roughly ninety percent of adults have had sinusitis at some point in their life
What Causes Sinusitis?
  • Cold
  • Allergies
  • Bacterial and fungal infections
  • Blockage of the sinus openings
What Are The Symptoms?
  • A "heavy" head
  • Headache made worse by bending your head down or forward
  • Soreness around the eyes and cheeks.
  • What feels like toothache
  • Runny nose
  • Blocked nose
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Cough, especially at night
  • Sore throat
What Can You Do?
  • Treat your colds and allergies promptly.
  • Avoid heavily polluted air. At the same time, keep your home environment clean to prevent allergies.
  • Inhale steam from a basin of hot water.
  • Humidify your home if the air is dry.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Never use nasal decongestants for more than 3 days as they can worsen your symptoms.
  • Always complete your course of antibiotics.
  • Use oral or nasal decongestants before you fly or travel to high altitudes or swim in deep water.
  • See an ear, nose and throat specialist if you have frequent attacks of sinusitis.

About the Author
OSIM is a global leader in branded healthy lifestyle products. With 30 years of experience and uncompromising dedication in developing innovative and reliable healthy lifestyle products, we have a global retail presence of more than 1,040 stores across 217 cities in 29 countries.
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Saturday, 9 February 2013

How to take care of health in winters


Author: Priya Choudhary
The start of chill breeze, frosty and short nights, freezing chilly mornings and short winter days are good if you have to sit at home and brew coffee late in the morning. However if you are working and have to get up early in the chill mornings and return late in the evening certainly a lot of issue and weak immune system is something you might suffer. Some get rough skin, some get flaky skin, some get itching deadly skin or some suffer blocked nose pours throughout the season. It is really nagging sometimes when you get irritated of all the season sicknesses. However, we have a good solution to keep your winter health up throughout the season, let us have a look at few of the tips on taking care of you in the winter season.
Hot and Cold Cure:
Drinks like tea, chicken soup, a veggie or a fruit drink may save you a great deal from the allergies or sickness of winter season like cold and flu symptoms. Hot drinks losses congestion of the nasal and stimulates the flow of mucus and also they help in keeping your body hydrated.
Vitamin C Helps:
Fresh oranges or grapefruit may help your immune system to be boosted up. Take them in real form or make some juice to be served freshly in the breakfast, certainly you will get glowing skin as vitamin C rich food protects skin from any outer damage and cures the dryness.
Wash Hands Repetitively:
It may seem like little kids, but being adults we often forget doing the basics and that only puts us in trouble when there is a season of viruses and infections. Cold and flu are the virus that are infected very easily and thus to save ourselves from getting these washing bacteria with a medicated soap often helps greatly.
Do not Share:
When you are parched and ask people around for a water bottle, you are inviting infects too as this season they are activated very heavily. Thus, better keep your share of food or water along anywhere you go. Avoid using any public taps or if possible avoid street fast food too.
Brush off the Germs:
It again seems like a kids' stuff but if you want to be healthy and happy this winter season then having your oral cavity brushed off twice a day is very important. Carry your toothbrush anywhere you go and brush all the germs off before going to bed.
Take Care of your Bed:
Changing pillowcases and bed sheets quite often also saves you from infects and keep your winter health saved. It is quite common if two people share the bed and one is sick definitely, the viruses will contaminate the other one and thus changing your share of bed accessories will save you if your partner is sick.

About the Author
To know more about winter health, kindly visit

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

The Positive and Negative Effects of Quitting Smoking


Author: Jackie Winn
If you are actually considering stopping smoking then you should take into account the possible side effects, both positive and negative that you are likely to suffer.

The Positive Effects of Quitting Smoking:
Within just a few days of stopping smoking, you will notice marked improvements to your health. The biggest factor behind this is due to the oxygen levels in your bloodstream increasing together with improved lung function and a general growth in your generalised fitness levels.
You will almost certainly notice that your breathing is much improved and your lungs are functioning much freely than while you were still smoking. Your sense of smell and taste improve within hours of your last cigarette and take just a few days to return to their proper levels. The risk of a heart attack gets lower as each cigarette free day passes. Ceasing to smoke will also lower the risks of many problems with your circulation. If you have quit smoking your will also notice an increase in your stamina and within few weeks your stamina level will be normal. You will notice that you sleep much better than before and awaken fresh and revitalised.

The Negative Effects of Quitting Smoking:
Image via Wikipedia The negative side effects seem to come about as blood sugar levels start to fall. As you go through the procedure of quitting smoking your physical structure is forced adapt to the altered state of affairs. You can easily reduce the levels of this side effect by increasing your fluid intake, drinking a chilled glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice several times a day will help maintain your blood sugar levels. Smoking may likewise impair many of your body's vital organs therefore it will take time to recover once you quit. Some studies have suggested that by quitting smoking there is a chance that you are a slightly greater risk of being diagnosed with Mesothelioma, the treatment for this disease may be expensive and can not be completed without funding. Another down side to quitting is that you may experience feelings of snappishness, tenseness, sickness, and giddiness. The good news though is that all of these symptoms are short lived. When you first quit you may find you have trouble getting to sleep, or you may wake up during the night more often. It is possible you may have problems concentrating and suffer from minor constipation as well as a tickly "smokers cough". You may more susceptible to, common colds and ulcers. Obviously you will face the dreaded withdrawal symptoms, repeated urges to light a cigarette, inflated appetite, fidgetiness and depression. The best way to combat the majority of these effects is to take part in regular exercise; however it is always recommended that you consult with your own doctor before dramatically changing your lifestyle to achieve the best results.
Quitting the smoking habit is always going to be tough whatever method or system you choose. But the net results can be immense. You regain your health, you stop damaging your home, your family feel better, and you save a ton of money too!

About the Author

Jackie is the owner of
a website which aims to provide help, information,
tips and advice to people who are trying to stop smoking and beat
nicotine addiction.

Stop smoking today and change your life forever!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Effective Ways to Stop Cigarette Addiction


Author: Sally Anderson
In a year, there are many people suffer from different diseases and illnesses due to cigarette addiction. Although some people are aware of the negative impacts of smoking, they cannot totally quit this bad habit. At first, you might think it is next to impossible to avoid cigarette smoking. But come to think of it, if other people can do it, you can also do it. The process is not easy but if you will put effort into it and you will look at your long term health goals then it is achievable.

There are many effective ways on how to quit cigarettes. Some of these are the following:

1. Set Your Health Goals

Stress can be one of the main reasons why many people are into cigarette smoking. With these cigarettes containing nicotine and other ingredients that can be really addictive, the tendency is for people to be addicted to it. But once you are health conscious and once you know the actual negative impacts of cigarette smoking to your health, eventually you will realize that quitting this habit can make you better off.

2. Take One Step at A Time

It is a common thing for heavy smokers to find it really difficult to stop this habit. Apart from stress, many smokers use cigarette smoking for socialization. Quitting this habit does not require you to do is all at once. It gets extremely difficult to do that especially when your body is addicted and depended on nicotine. Doing this can only increase your yearning to smoke more. The best move is to take one step at a time. You can lessen the number of cigarette consumption depending on your pace. You will eventually come to a point where you will realize that you no longer need to smoke.

3. Self-Discipline

All of these things will require you one thing - self-discipline. We know that it is really not easy to finally stop smoking addiction. There are even some who find it extremely difficult to give up this habit. But if you have self-control and if you will really focus on your goal, it is possible to get rid of smoking addiction. Getting rid of your smoking habits will require you self-control. There is really a need to exert effort on your part.

You cannot quit cigarette addiction overnight. In fact, some people may take months or even years just to say no to cigarettes. It does not matter if you have a slow pace. What is important is that you are on your way to having a healthy lifestyle and you can avoid cigarettes.

About the Author
If you are looking for more information on ways on how to quit cigarettes, click on the link. Or you can visit the website at

Friday, 1 February 2013

Don’t Let Worry Destroy Your Health


Author: Jimmy Allen
Worrying never gets good results. It is not good for our emotions, our health, our creative ability or for fulfilling our life. Still we worry that if we don't stress out and worry like everyone else, how will others judge us? Will we be perceived as crazy, not normal, not right or as having low morality?
Why does most of the world live life this way? It is almost inconceivable to think that you can stop worrying. But, we can!
Relaxation expert Sarah McCrum, of the Academy of Potential Education said recently that "we can learn the art of natural relaxation - relaxing our thoughts and our body and simply doing nothing other than breathing and smiling. We can then use our relaxation skills and choose not to worry when we don't want to, and honestly, you never really want to worry. It will take time because we can't shut worrying off after all those years of indulging in it. But we can become better at cutting it off and not spiraling into a black hole." Often, we worry because it is the norm and we don't realize that we have a choice.
We do have a choice if you are aware of it. It is your choice to make! Nobody can make you worry and nobody can stop you from not worrying.
Worry is actually pretty old fashioned. It belongs to our past and it is rapidly going out of style. It's not a creative lifestyle. It's not the lifestyle of the future. Just because most of the whole world worries, it doesn't mean that you have to! As human knowledge develops, human awareness and consciousness expands, and worrying will gradually disappear.
What is replacing worry now is relaxation - a deep trust in life itself. Your creative ability, your happiness, your health and your consciousness will grow the more you improve your ability to be relaxed. Your actions, your work, your responses to the world around you change when you know how to relax.
Often, when we are doing an activity we are either thinking about what we are doing or thinking about something completely different. We might even start to worry. We are too often in a state of unconscious tension, and are simply not physically and emotionally at peace. As a result, we block energy from entering and flowing through our body. And then our meridians aren't open and relaxed, so we get tired and find it difficult to experience joy.
When we learn how to relax and flow with life, we start to appreciate the world in a completely different way. When we are open, happy and experiencing natural relaxation, we can receive a higher source of life energy - quality energy that is light and vibrant, making us more positive and glowing.
Through proper relaxation training, we can learn how to not worry. We can learn how to breathe again like when we were a baby - relaxed and surrendered to life. We don't have to "do anything" but rather, just "be." Soon we learn that worry doesn't stem from external factors, but rather comes from inside ourselves. Then the more we become aware of it the more we can do to release that tension that we call worry.
To prevent worry from destroying your health and happiness, research a little and find a relaxation program with skilled experts to help you realize that there is a reason for everything, a cause and a remedy for everything. Every situation has a solution and we just have to find it. While we are searching we feel good and not so helpless, so we just keep on searching and we don't give up. The more knowledge we have, the more peace we have. We see possibilities, so we have a future. In this way, worry gradually and surely comes to its end.

About the Author
Founder and Director of the Inspirational Learning Academy in Sedona Arizona. Jimmy Allen is the director of the iRelaxNow relaxation programs. For over 25 years, he has helped thousands of children and adults improve the quality of their health, happiness and peace. Try a FREE live-online workshop at or contact him at

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Insomnia - causes and effects


Author: Jacob Daniel
Insomnia is a disorder of sleep where one finds it uneasy to fall asleep for quite a long time. Insomnia is not only the inability to fall asleep but one also experiences a long sleeping disorder. Sleep is something that is more connected with the brain and thus any snag in brain causes sleep disorders more likely. Insomnia can arise at any age but it is more likely to affect the elderly or those who are caught up with busy lifestyles. People may suffer from insomnia for a short period say about 3 weeks or for a long time say for years. Insomnia has many adverse effects on human body and health like memory loss, irritability, depression that at the end leads to heart diseases like stroke.
There are mainly three categories into which this condition can be categorized they are primary, secondary and comorbid insomnia conditions. Primary insomnia is a condition where one has a sleep disorder, complains of protracted sleep or non-refreshing sleep. This condition is not linked to medical or psychiatric problems but if this disorder persists more than a month it is high time you take it serious and diagnose the reason behind this. There can a be a lot of things around you and by simplifying those you can certainly get a healthy sleep full life. Let us put an eye on the causes of insomnia in detail.
  • One of the common insomnia causes are chronic pain as people suffering from such pain tend to have less sleep or sleep disorders. Chronic pain such as continuing headache, back pain or some sort of joint syndrome are the main causes of sleeplessness and restless nights.
  • Insomnia in many cases is a symptom and a cause of people falling into depression largely. If you are having stress or are suffering from some emotional trauma, you are more likely to get depressed very easily as your emotional status is very weak and thus sleeplessness is the first thing to caught up the mind. Brain uses a single neurotransmitter for mood and sleep and thus both are connected and affected by each other.
  • If you are a chronic snorer then be alert, as studies state that snoring may be the symptom of an upcoming sleeplessness disorder. This is also a disorder, which is linked to sever issues like high blood pressure and heart diseases like heart stroke.
  • Jet lag may also be a reason for a short-term sleep disorder as crossing over the time zones often disturb brain functioning and causes you to have disturbed sleep. It takes up to three days to get over jet lag if you are affected once by it but if you travel over time zones often then it may become a chronic sleep issue and must be cured to not to have its effect on health.
  • If you are working in shifts that often keeps changing between nights and days, you will certainly suffer from insomnia as this directly affects brain. People who work in shifts have less serotonin hormone level, which is responsible for sleep and thus if you are having such issues better take care of your shift timings to avoid any long-term issues.
  • Hormonal changes like menstruation, pregnancy or menopause may also affect once sleeping syndrome as tender breasts, hot flashes, recurrent urination affects sleep patterns and causes insomnia and thus consulting your doctor and taking proper medication to avoid the side effects is must.
  • Prolonged diseases like asthma, heart failure, Parkinson's or any other neurological disease are also likely to affect sleep as there is a disturbance in the breathing patter that directly affects sleep and thus consulting your physician and taking proper medication and advice is must.
Some of the other unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, alcohol or taking drugs also affects sleep largely as all your internal hormones get affected. Taking a lot of medicines may also effect sleep specially if your bedtime dosage is high thus consulting a physician beforetime with all these issues is very important. If you adopt a little precaution and take relevant measures like leaving smoking, drinking and doing proper meditation, you can certainly cure the prolonged sleeplessness.

About the Author
If you want to know more about causes of insomnia, kindly visit

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Tips for Restful Sleep


Author: Mike Mulrooney
Do you find yourself feeling sluggish throughout the day because of lack of sleep? Or maybe you did sleep but you discover that you are still tired and worn out instead of feeling refreshed and rested. You are not alone, there are millions of people all over the world who toss and turn at night trying to get enough rest.
There may be a lot of factors that contribute to your lack of sleep. Perhaps you're stressed about an issue at work, or maybe some issues with your family and other relationship. You may not have any control about these factors that cause you to lose sleep, but don't worry, there are some things you can do have a more restful sleep.

Get comfortable in your sleep environment

It helps if you turn your bedroom into an ideal place for sleeping. If you've been sleeping on the same mattress for the past 10 years, it's time for you to get a new one. If your bedroom has large windows, consider buying curtains that are dark colored or made of heavy fabric. If you have a pet, don't let them sleep in your bedroom so they won't wake you up at night. And as much as possible, do not put a TV, or a computer inside your bedroom.

Set a schedule

You can help your body adjust to an internal clock if you make a habit of sleeping and getting up at the same time each day. Yes! Every day, even during weekends, or even holidays. This will get your body's sleep-wake cycle in its natural rhythm. Consistency is essential for this to be successful.

Limit your nap time

This may be the culprit to your restless sleep at night. Try to limit your nap time to less than an hour. If it doesn't make any difference, and you still find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, then avoid having naps altogether.

Have a pre-bedtime routine

Do something before going to bed that truly relaxes you. Why not take a soothing bath, or read a good book. Some people find that doing light exercise like stretching helps them to sleep faster. Find the activity that works for you.

Cut back on your caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant, and can cause sleep problems hours after you've ingested it. If you cannot avoid caffeine altogether, just limit your overall intake, and try not to drink caffeinated drinks after lunch, better yet, just get a decaf.

Exercise regularly

Including a daily physical activity in your daily routine may help you have a more restful and deep sleep. Just try not to exercise too close to your bedtime because you might feel more alert and energized.
There are so many more ways to get that restful sleep that you want. Try them and see which ones will be best for you. Sweet dreams!

About the Author
Mike Mulrooney BA Hons, FICS, has been a family man for over 30 years. He's been a father six times over and is happily married (for the third time) He is an authority on Russian shipping business and has criss crossed the world many times. It is this experience that has widened his vision on the building of self esteem.
Click here to find out more and get FREE eBook, "How to Increase Confidence in the 7 Main Areas of Life" NOW!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Burning Eyes – Causes of Burning Eyes


Author: peterhutch
Burning eyes affects about 30% of reading glasses wearers at one time or another. It is the commonest symptom of dry eyes. Most just suffer in silence, but there are simple steps that can be taken to help the condition.

Eye burning with discharge is burning, itching, or drainage from the eye of any substance other than tears. Lots of different things can make your eyes burn. Smoke, pollen, or a viral infection such as a cold or the flu can cause eyes to itch, burn, water, and redden. In these cases the burning and itching usually go away when the irritant is removed.

Sometimes burning and itching eyes are due to environmental pollutants that might be eliminated by social action. If secondhand cigarette smoke is annoying, say so. If an industrial plant in the area is polluting, contact the EPA for solutions.

Unprotected eyes can also be burned by the ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, tanning lamps or arc welding equipment. Like sunburns to the skin, you won't feel pain until hours later, when the eyes and the area around them swell. Near-UV rays can damage your retina. The risk of sunburn to the eyes is very high when sunlight is reflected off water, sand or snow.

Causes of Burning eyes
Chronic dry or burning eyes can be caused by age, some medications, and disease. Itchy, burning eyelids can also result from infection.
Tears bathe the eye, washing out dust and debris and keeping the eye moist. They also contain enzymes that neutralize the microorganisms that colonize the eye. Tears are essential for good eye health.
Allergy is caused by an oversensitive immune system, which leads to a misdirected immune response. The immune system normally protects the body against harmful substances, such as bacteria and viruses. It reacts to substances (allergens) that are generally harmless and in most people do not cause a problem.

Sometimes burning and itching eyes are due to environmental pollutants that might be eliminated by social action. If secondhand cigarette smoke is annoying, say so. If an industrial plant in the area is polluting, contact the EPA for solutions.

Pink eye or viral conjunctivitis causes a red or bloodshot eye and excessive tearing. If you suspect pink eye, remember to wash your hands often, and avoid touching the unaffected eye. The infection will run its course in about 10 days.

During the normal aging process, our bodies and our eyes produce gradually less and less oil. This reduction in oil in the tear film results in quicker evaporation leading to the formation of dry spots on our eyes.

Treatment for Burning eyes

Artificial tears used four-to-six times a day can also relieve symptoms. Avoid over-the-counter eyedrops other than artificial tears because they will eventually make symptoms worse.

Antihistamines in the form of eye-drops or ointments may be prescribed. Cortisone-like eye ointments are not often prescribed. These medications will reduce many types of inflammation, but can make certain infections, such as herpes, worse.

Conserving the tears in your own eyes is another approach to keeping the eyes moist. Tears drain out of the eye through a small canal into the nose (that is why your nose runs when you cry). Your ophthalmologist may close these canals either temporarily or permanently. This closure conserves your own tears and makes artificial tears last longer.

About the Author
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